Constructions génétiques pour animal modèle

Constructions génétiques pour animal modèle

Creation of tailor-made constructs for the generation of animal models (complex targeting constructs, BAC transgenes, BAC stitching)

Recombineering refers to recombination-mediated genetic engineering and specifies a well-defined and precise modification of DNA. This outstanding technology was developed by the group of A. Francis Stewart at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany in the late 1990s.

Examples of targeting constructs for animal models and BAC modifications : Preparation of a complex targeting construct to obtain a mouse model for the human disease “Seckel syndrome”

Examples of targeting constructs for animal models and BAC modifications : Preparation of a BDNF-BAC transgene by fusing the 10 kb full-length huntigtin cDNA under the control of the BDNF promoter to obtain a new animal model for Huntington’s Disease

Examples of targeting constructs for animal models and BAC modifications : Construction of chimeric human-rat IgH loci by BAC stitching and counterselection