GUINEA PIG BLOOD in Sodium Citrate

Référence OORA01109

Conditionnement : 50mL

Marque : Aviva Systems Biology

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GUINEA PIG BLOOD in Sodium Citrate (OORA01109)

Datasheets/ManualsPrintable datasheet for GUINEA PIG BLOOD in Sodium Citrate (OORA01109)
Product Info
Predicted Species ReactivityGuinea Pig
Product FormatLiquid
Additional InformationBuffer: Sodium citrate solution
::Label: Unconjugated
Preservative: None
Stabilizer: None
Sterilization: This product was aseptically drawn using sterile equipment and standard sterile techniques. The product was tested on trypticase soy agar for 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours and was found to be negative for bacteria.
Strain: English Hartley short-haired
Reconstitution and Storage2°C to 8°C