Service de Diagnostique Moleculaire




DNA-, RNA-, Protein-analysis and bioinformatics



How it works: 


Our Expertise: 


• Recognizing customer needs

• Offering customer-tailored solutions

• Long lasting DNA methylation expertise

• Broad range of methods implemented

• Specific bioinformatics workflows available





Infinium Methylation EPIC  v2 Kit 

Content: 935,000 CpGswith single C resolution
Sample type: DNA, cells, blood, (FFPE) tissue
Input: 500 ng DNA; 250ng DNA for FFPE tissue



 DNA-hydroxymethylation (EPIC v2 extension)   

Content: 935,000 CpGswith single C resolution
Sample type: DNA, cells, blood, (FFPE) tissue
Input: 1000 ng DNA; 500ng DNA for FFPE tissue


Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip   

Content: >285,000 CpGsof diverse murine strains
Sample type: DNA, cells, blood, (FFPE) tissue
Input: 500 ng DNA; 250ng DNA for FFPE tissue


TWIST Methyl Capture Library Seq: (single C resolution; enzymatic deamination) 

Content: up to 4 million CpGs, customized versions available
Sample type: DNA, cfDNA, cells, blood, (FFPE) tissue
Input: 20-200ng DNA/sample





480plex MSRE*qPCR cancer panel: (no single C resolution)

Content: 5‘UTR of >460 cancer associated genes
Sample type: DNA, cfDNA, cells, blood, (FFPE) tissue
Input: 100ng DNA or 2ml plasma/96 assays


Customized MSRE*qPCR panels: (no single C resolution)

Content: customized
Sample type: DNA, cfDNA, cells, blood, (FFPE) tissue
Input: down to 10ng DNA/96 assays or 2 ml plasma/96 assays


MSP**-Assays:  (no single C resolution) 

Content: customized
Sample type: DNA, cells, blood, (FFPE) tissue
Input: 5-10ng DNA/assay










  • We owned and protected High Performance Computing (HPC) hardware for computationally expensive tasks
    • No security / data protection issues with third party cloud computing providers.
    • Scalable through integration of additional HPC hardware from other centers within the institute (institute wide HPC cluster planned)
  • Reproducible and fully transparent code development and pipeline execution
    • Code sharing through private code repository (gitlab) upon request.
  • Professional project management
  • Highly trained and experienced staff with proven scientific track record


(Multi-) OMICS data analysis


  • Consulting for study design
    • Sample size calculation
    • Definition of experimental layout
    • Statistical analysis plan
  • Pipelines available for most omics data types and research questions
    • NGS – read mapping, QC, preprocessing, also for WGBS and RRBS
    • Variant and / or DMR calling
    • EPIC data analysis
    • RRBS analysis
    • RNAseq
    • ChIPseq / ATACseq (developed on demand)
    • Immunomics: HD Peptide arrays
  • (Multi-) OMICS Interpretation
    • Gene Set Enrichment
    • Interaction networks
    • De-novo network generation
    • Also available as academic collaboration



For more informations and quotations

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