Glutathione Reduced Free Acid

Cat# G8130-50g

Size : 50g

Brand : US Biological

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G8130 Rabbit Anti-Glutathione Reduced Free Acid

Clone Type
Molecular Biology Grade
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Glutathione may decrease the concentrations of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-18), neutrophils in lung tissue and increase the level of serum Ca2+ and be useful for the treatment of ANP. Glutathione production is regulated via distinct pathways in stressed and non-stressed cortical neurons. This compound has neuroprotective properties.||Synonyms:|L-γ-Glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine; Agifutol S; Bakezyme RX; Copren; Deltathione; GSH; Glutathion; Glutathione-SH; Glutide; Glutinal; Isethion; L-Glutathione; Neuthion; Reduced glutathione; Tathion; Tathione; Triptide||CAS Number:|70-18-8||Molecular Formula:|C10H17N3O6S||Molecular Weight:|307.3||Appearance:|Supplied as a white crystalline powder.||Purity:|≥98%||Solubility:|DMSO, water|Colorless, clear||Specific Rotation: |-15.5º to -17.5º||Melting Point:|192-195°C (dec.)(lit.)||Loss on Drying: |≤0.5%||Residue of Ignition:|≤0.1%||Heavy Metals: |≤0.001%||Arsenic:|≤0.001%||Storage and Stability:|Store at 4ºC. Stable for 6 months after receipt.

Purity: ≥98%|Form: Supplied as a white crystalline powder||Important Note: This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications without the expressed written authorization of United States Biological.
Supplied as a white crystalline powder.
1. Misko, T., et al.: J. Biol. chem., 273:15646 (1998), 2. Nakamura, K., et al.: J. Biol. Chem., 276:34402 (2001), 3. Burdo, J., et al.: Brain Res. 1189:12 (2008)