VAHTS Circularization Kit For MGI

Référence NM201-02

Conditionnement : 48rxns

Marque : Vazyme

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 Product Description  

The VAHTS Circularization Kit for MGI is a kit optimized for the high-throughput sequencing platform of MGl. This kit can convert PCR products with adapters to single-stranded circularization DNA libraries dedicated to MGl high-throughput sequencer. All reagents provided in the kit have undergone rigorous quality control and functional validation to ensure the optimal stability and repeatability of library preparation.


  • Fast: Circularization in as little as 70 min. 

  • Efficient: Circularization efficiency up to 60%. 

  • Wide Compatibility: Compatible with diverse library preparation methods, library inputs, and template types.



Store at -30 ~ -15and transport at 0.

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