pGFP-B-RS shRNA Vector

Référence TR30018

Conditionnement : 5ug

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pGFP-B-RS shRNA Vector

Product Data
Control Type Negative
Fluorescent Label GFP
Viral Packaging Retroviral
  • The HuSH pGFP-B-RS plasmid vector offers the same elements as pGFP-V-RS vector with an exception of an alternative mammalian selection marker. The substitute feature of using blasticidin selection instead of puromycin, which is available in all of our retroviral vectors assists researcher in creating stable cell lines in double knockdown experiment.
  • U6_F Primer can be used to sequence the target sequence after cloning.
Download Vector Sequence
Components 1 vial of 5 ug lyophilized pGFP-B-RS shRNA cloning vector
Quality Control This vector was sequence verified and functionally validated.
Storage Store the vector DNA at -20°C.
Stability Vector DNA is stable for at least one year from date of receipt when stored at -20°C.

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