HigherPurity™ Blood & Cell Culture DNA Extraction
Référence AN0044
Conditionnement : 50rxn
Marque : Canvax Biotech
AgaPure™ Agarose LM (Low Melting)
High quality Molecular Biology Grade Agaroses with proven performance in most used applications
AgaPure™ Agarose LM is agarose chemically modified in which hydroxyethyl groups have been introduced into the agarose molecule. This substitution causes the agarose to gel at 30 ºC and to melt at 65 ºC. The lower gelling temperature ensures the agarose will be in a liquid state at a temperature range where “in-gel” manipulations can be performed without prior extraction of the DNA or RNA from the gel slice. Also, the properties of low melt agarose promote quick and thorough digestion of gel slices during extraction procedures. Agarose LM has low EEO (electroendosmosis, ≤0.1), allowing for sharp DNA banding and high resolution.
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