• Specifications

    Product Description

    DNA/RNA Isolation Kit is designed for extracting both genomic DNA and total RNA simultaneously from the same animal cells or tissue samples.

    Supplied Product

    Kit content:

    1. Buffer RLplus
    2. Buffer RW
    3. Buffer RW1
    4. Rnase-Free ddH2O
    5. Buffer GD
    6. Buffer PW
    7. Buffer TB
    8. Rnase-Free Columns CR3 Set
    9. Spin Columns CB3
    10. Rnase-Free Centrifuges Tubes 1.5 mL
    11. Rnase-Free Centrifuges Tubes 2 mL
    12. Rnase-Free Collection Tubes 2 mL

    Pack Size

    50 reactions

    Suitable Sample

    animal tissues and cells

    Sample Size

    10 - 20 mg tissue
    1 x 107 cells

    Regulation Status

    For research use only (RUO)

    Storage Instruction

    Store the kit at room temperature.
    For best results, please store the kit components as described in the protocol.

  • Applications
