Coomassie® Brilliant Blue R 250

Commande minimum 2

Référence 17525.01

Conditionnement : 25G

Marque : SERVA Electrophoresis

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C.I. 42660 C45H44N3O7S2·Na Mr 826.0 CAS [6104-59-2]

Coomassie® Brilliant Blue R 250 is a sensitive triphenylmethane dye for protein detection in polyacrylamide gels. It may be combined with other stains, such as silver stain, to distinguish different types of proteins.
Corresponds to SERVA Blue R (cat. no. 35051).

Assay (UV)
Water (KF)
min. 75.0 %
max. 10.0 %
Coomassie = registered trademark of ICI Ltd.

EINECS: 228-060-5WGK: 2LHS: 32041200
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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