ClonExpress Ultra One Step Cloning Kit

Référence C115-01

Conditionnement : 25rxns

Marque : Vazyme

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 Product Description  


ClonExpress Ultra One Step Cloning Kit is a new generation of recombinant cloning kits, compatible with 1 - 5 fragments homologous recombination. The unique ligase-independent system of this kit significantly reduces the self-ligation background of the vector. Restriction endonuclease sites do not need to be considered. Highly optimized 2 × ClonExpress Mix (It contains enhanced recombinase Exnase) can significantly improve the recombination efficiency and the tolerance to impurities. pCE-Zero vector is compatible with most PCR products, enabling the specific PCR products to be used directly for recombination without any treatments, which significantly simplify the procedure.




  • Simple: Ready-to-use super mix in one tube

  • Fast: Recombination only takes 5 - 15 minutes

  • Efficient: Efficiently clone 50 bp - 10 kb fragments, the positive rate is > 95%

  • Compatible: Suitable for single fragment, multiple fragment and Entry cloning

  • ‘Zero’ Background: Ampicillin and Kana dual resistance vector; contains CcdB gene

  • Software support: Provide online primer design software ‘‘CE Design’’




Store at -30 ~ -15°C and transport at ≤0°C.

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