Bradford Protein Assay Kit

Référence CRG1002

Conditionnement : 500Assays

Marque : Cohesion Biosciences

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Product Name:Bradford Protein Assay Kit
Cat No:CRG1002
Applications:Protein quantification
*Application Key:
H - Human, M - Mouse, R - Rat, B - Bovine, C - Chicken, D - Dog, G - Goat, Mk - Monkey, P - Pig, Rb - Rabbit, S - Sheep, Z - Zebrafish
*Species Reactivity Key:
E- ELISA, WB - Western blot, IH - Immunohistochemistry, IF - Immunofluorescence, FC - Flow cytometry, IC - Immunocytochemistry, IP - Immunoprecipitation, ChIP - Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, EMSA - Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay, BL - Blocking, SE - Sandwich ELISA, CBE - Cell-based ELISA, RNAi - RNA interference
Description:Detection and Quantification of Protein Concentration.
Detection Method:Colorimetric
Detection Range:15.6 μg/ml - 2000 μg/ml
Components:Coomassie Bradford Assay Reagent: 100 ml, stored at 4°C. Standard: 2 mg x 5, Stored at 4°C.
Application:Bradford coomassie-binding, colorimetric method for total protein quantitation is one of dye binding methods. Coomassie Briliant Blue G-250 in the free state shows brown, and its maximum light absorbance is 488nm. When Coomassie Briliant Blue G-250 combines with protein, it turns brown into blue, and the maximum absorption is 595 nm. The absorbance at 595nm is proportional to the protein concentrations. Protein binding Coomassie Briliant Blue G-250 reaches a balance in about 2 minutes. The complex remains stable in 1 hour at room temperature. The method has superiority such as simple and convenient operation, sensitive reaction (4 times higher than Lowry Method), etc. Bradford protein assay kit is developed based on Bradford coomassie-binding method. This method has traits of simple and convenient operation, high sensitivity, accurate quantification and stable effect.
Storage/Stability:Shipped and store at 4°C for 1 year.
Sample Types:All
Platform:Microplate reader 595 nm

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